Using a dialogue approach and continuity with the territory, workshop La Robbia organizes experimental workshops, practical courses for adults, didactic and recreational / educational workshops for children.

Corsi La Robbia ®

The surrounding territory allows an immersion in the landscape along tracks of botanical interest, where it is possible to identify and collect the species used for the dyeing experience with one’s own hands.

Comprised in the Packets that we propose, there is the possibility to stay for the full duration of the course in the place where they are held (Atzara), with meals and local products at Km 0.

In all our professional training courses we will transfer the alchemical information and receipts, fruits of over twenty years of study, research and experiments.

Corsi La Robbia ®
Corsi La Robbia ®

Base Courses / Advanced Courses

of Natural Dyeing using spontaneous / cultivated / imported plants on animal / vegetal fibres.

corsi base e laboratori creativi ®La Robbia
corsi base e laboratori creativi ®La Robbia

Base Courses / Creative Workshops

Applying the Ecoprinting printing technique using spontaneous / cultivated / imported plants on animal / vegetal fibres

Corsi La Robbia ®
La Robbia®

Once the experience has ended

Once the experience has ended, you will be able to autonomously dye yarns, fabrics and clothing, as well as to recognize the most common spontaneous dye plants among the Mediterranean shrubs (“macchia mediterranea”).
The course periods and DATES, the available PLACES and the specific PROGRAM will be established depending on the requests received and subsequently communicated and published on the main social networks (Facebook and Instagram).

If you want to be continuously updated about the available “Packets” of experimental workshops, please write us at our e-mail-address:
We hope to welcome you in one of our experimental workshops!